Sunday, November 25, 2007


I dag har eg bestemt meg for ein ting. Frå no av skal eg i alle fall ha ein kveld i veka for meg sjølv til å kvile, ein kveld der eg berre kan vera åleine med meg sjølv utan mas og mykje lyd, berre vera åleine med Gud.

I går bestemte eg meg for å avlysa alle planer for kvelden og berre vera heime, noko eg ikkje kan hugsa sist gong skjedde. Det var då det gjekk opp for meg at no er det sanneleg på tide å roe ned, når eg ikkje ein gong kan hugse å ha vore heime ein kveld. Det er kjekt å ha mykje å finne på, men det går ikkje i lengda. Når ein innser at ein ikkje får tid til å ta klesvasken eller andre daglegdagse ting som ein må få gjort, då er det kanskje nok..? Og i går då eg sat åleine innsåg eg at eg faktisk var litt sliten. Det er ikkje før ein set seg ned at ein får tid til å kjenne etter, men no merka eg at det berre var godt å vera heime.

På fredagskveld var eg på q-sport, som er noko ala allidrett driven av Salem der me leikar/gjer ulike sportslige aktivitetar og har det gøy, og i pausa der det til vanleg blir halde andakt vart det opna for all som ville seie noko. Då vart det sagt noko eg har tenkt litt på etterpå, og det er at det er lurt å setja av litt tid kvar dag utan musikk i bakgrunnen, eller radio eller tv, og berre bruke denne vesle stunda til ettertanke og gjerne til å vera saman med Gud.

Han gjev den trøytte kraft,
og den som ingen krefter har,
gjev han stor styrke.

Friday, November 23, 2007

I am the walrus

This music video from the Beatles is just brilliant.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Finals approaching! (and I'm in the dark of winter-Norway)

So, what to do on a dark Thursday morning in November? I have actually been working for an hour now feeling like an excellent student, but now there is only half an hour left to the last lecture of the semester. And how much reading can you get done in half an hour? Though I'd might as well update my blog since all I would have done is wasting time anyways.

This is the first time in three-four years that I am home at this time of year (at home being Norway), and it feels strange! I didn't remember how dark winter is in Norway. At 10 am it is still not full daylight and since I'm inside studying, by the time I get out of the school buildings the day is already over and I have to walk home in the dark. But I'm getting used to it, I even almost like it. When it's dark and raining outside, being inside is almost cosy. I only wish I had the time to bake some buns and make som hot chocolate to enjoy.
Maybe I'll put off some time when advent comes, although I really can't spend time on anything else than reading.

I have gotten a second home these days! If you enter the University of Agder through the main entrance and continue straight forward, then you'll end up infront of the library. Enter the library and walk up the stairs, take a right and you'll find me. Welcome to my second home!
It is quite nice:) Quiet, but not so quiet that you feel you can't open your packed lunch. It's almost as if there is a community in here. You see the same people all the time, so you almost feel as if you have something in common and that you know them, only that you have never talked to any of them.

So if you want to find me, follow the road description above:) I'll be here!

Friday, November 09, 2007


I have once again discovered the creative art of procrastination. Many times have I critisesed those who have not been able to get their work done because of hours and hours spent online, but now when I have gotten internet access, I've joined the lines of facebookaholics, youtubaddicts and msnaholics. What can I do to regain the focus that I once had? How should I resist the temptations that are thrown at me when I look towards my laptop?
I need to fight this addiction, get focused and start studying.
From this minute on I will stop opening my laptop and you will never find me on msn while studying again..
we'll see how long I'll manage;)