Wednesday, May 28, 2008

library communities and birds

Once again I find myself in the library together with tens or maybe hundreds of other students. You feel somewhat isolated from the world outside, but for me there is this sort of sense of community in here. All of us who spend hours and hours in here have one common goal, to pass our exams (and hoping to excel in them as well:P)
We don't know eachother, we don't talk to eachother, but we see eachother.
Sometimes, though, small things can happen that increase this feeling of community. Yesterday, a bird flew in the window and couldn't get out. Everyone looked up from their books and for one brief moment we smiled at eachother and exchanged a couple of words about the bird. In that moment, just after the bird had found the right window to get back out again (happy ending), there was a funny noise, and everyone started laughing=) This was one of those moments that gives you some more energy and inspiration to keep on reading.

But all the exams tell me that a year in Kristiansand is soon passed. I have really become fond of this city/town with its small white houses and paths for biking.
I find new roads and paths all the time, and I keep on thinking "why haven't I taken my bike to check out all these places earlier?"
On Sunday I took a different road back home from the meeting than I normally do, and I found a green lung right behind an apartment building and a nice path leading to another road that I haven't walked before. As I took the road I got to another park behind a church. Towards the horizon the sky was all pink and purple from the sun setting. In that moment, everything was beautiful. The sunset resting over the city with the tower of the cathedral coming up taller than the rest of the buildings. It was one of those moments when you wish you had brought a camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hei. Ber deg slette vårt bilde av Spurv da du ikke har tilatelse til å bruke det fra oss!