Monday, September 01, 2008

something new

It's been over two months now. Sometimes you are able to be greatful for all the things you have got, but other times you cannot leave the feeling of overwhelming grief. Before the summer started I was planning on writing this blog thanking all the people I've met throughout the year and thanking them for having made this year what it became. I think I still will write this post, but for the moment I just need things to be, because He has set the right time for everything.
I bought a new CD of hymns that our crownprincess has put together and one of them is called 'the sorrow and happiness', how they follow eachother. they really do. now, I am leaving to start something new, something I have been looking forward to since May when I was accepted to AECC. In 9 days I will be moving to Bournemouth, which for some time seemed, not scary, but sad. I wasn't sad about going there, but I was sad about leaving Kristiansand. but now I am very ready to get started. Two months at home working in the same place as the three previous summers and not seeing many people your age can make you feel trapped. Now I'll face life again with all its challenges and joys.