Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter and other thoughts..

After at least ten days of Easter holidays it's time to reenter the life as a student and try to get something useful out of the day. Not that I haven't been doing useful things while on vacation..I have been out playing in the snow with my little cousins twice, been skiing thrice and I've been working at the nursing home four days. And it's been wonderful, at least those days that I spent outside trying to catch all the rays of sun that licked my face. But everything has an end.

I don't know why chiropractic sounds tempting. Or I do. You get to work with people. You learn about diseases and how to set diagnoses. You learn about medicine and the body. Summed up. It's very interesting. A bit more interesting than sitting in an office all your life translating things, that other people already have written, into another language. It's not even your own work. And the pay is lousy. No offence, it is an interesting subject to study and the work is nice as well, but I can't imagine myself spending my whole life on that.

So I've come to a roadmark where I don't know which turn to take. Should I continue on the bachelor degree I've started? Or should I start aiming towards an education in chiropractic? The latter would mean that I have to spend five years either in England or Denmark, but I will be able to work with people for the rest of my life. Am I willing to do that? The other means that I will spend the rest of my life in an office, but I will be able to spend most of my time as a student in Norway with the exception of next year. Am I willing to do that?
Oh, big dilemma!!

I just have to think, talk and pray about it. And apply for all things possible..= a lot of work. But that's what I gotta do when I don't know what to do with my life..

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